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Sponsorship Opportunities

The Galileoscope:
Nurturing Lifelong Interest in Light, Optics & Astronomy

Cosmic LightWe invite individuals, companies, foundations, and others interested in promoting science education to sponsor the Galileoscope donation program for the International Year of Light 2015 (IYL 2015). Not every school has a telescope that students can look through or lenses they can use to learn about optics. We aim to fill this equipment gap by putting Galileoscope kits in schools where they’ll inspire students to consider STEM careers — that is, careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We’re excited that the IYL 2015 organizers have named the Galileoscope as a key part of the Cosmic Light cornerstone project for this important scientific celebration.

Edelman Financial Services

Ric & Jean Edelman have sponsored the production
of 10,000 Galileoscopes to be distributed to teachers during the International Year of Light 2015. You can help us reach our goal of putting 100,000 telescopes
in the hands of teachers and students this year by joining Ric & Jean as IYL 2015 Galileoscope sponsors.

As we did for the International Year of Astronomy 2009, we’re distributing Galileoscopes to teachers and schools at little or no cost via sponsorships from generous individuals and organizations. Our goal: 100,000 Galileoscopes in classrooms by the end of the year. With some 225,000 kits already in use around the world, the Galileoscope — with its free educational materials, lesson plans, classroom activities, and observing guides — is a great tool to engage young people with light, optics, and astronomy. A Galileoscope International Year of Light sponsorship is a great way to support science education while also promoting your organization’s products and services. We can offer custom packaging; promotional inserts, stickers, and labels; and worldwide visibility to individuals and organizations that support the distribution of thousands of kits.

For more information about this great opportunity, please contact Douglas Arion, president of Galileoscope, LLC, and/or Rick Fienberg, vice-president.